Today's Top 20 Stories
  1. 2 big hurdles facing dental practices in 2024
    Staffing shortages and inflation are two of the biggest challenges facing dental practices and DSOs this year.
  2. $478B in economic impact from dental practices: A breakdown by state
    Dental offices in California had a total economic impact of $69.28 billion in 2022, the highest of any state, according to data from the American Dental Association's Health Policy Institute.
  3. Fires, car crashes and a flood: 6 dental offices damaged in 38 days
    Six dental practices were damaged recently in incidents ranging from fires to car crashes. 
  1. How one new DSO exec is investing in technology
    Dental technology is a key way for dentists and DSOs to improve their practices. Investing and committing to new technologies and advancements is crucial for this new chief clinical officer.
  2. Illinois dentists zero in on dental insurance, teledentistry and Medicaid
    The Illinois State Dental Society's legislative agenda in 2024 is centered around dental insurance reform, the Dental Practice Act and the Illinois Medicaid Program, according to a Feb. 15 news release. 
  3. Healthcare no longer 'off limits' for cyberattackers
    The increased digitization of dental records, improved AI and machine learning softwares and the commonality of QR codes are just a few of the ways that cybersecurity risks in dentistry have heightened in recent years.
  4. What's driving solo dentistry's decline, per 11 dentists
    While several dentists predict a continued decline in solo dentistry, some say the industry could switch away from DSOs and group practices in the future as people realize the benefits of a solo practice.

Innovation in DSO communication: 7 must-reads to guide you in

DSO growth isn't slowing down. What you need to know about the future of dentistry — here.
  1. The trend reshaping the dental industry
    A decline in the number of solo dentists could have both positive and negative effects on the industry, according to Huzefa Kapadia, DDS.
  2. Dentists' economic impact by state
    Dentists in the U.S. had an average total economic impact of $2.36 million in 2022, according to data from the American Dental Association.
  3. Driver crashes into Washington dental practice
    A driver recently crashed into the entrance of Apple Family Dental in Longview, Wash., The Daily News reported Feb. 15.
  4. Coast Dental appoints COO
    Tampa, Fla.-based Coast Dental recently promoted James Eddy to be its COO. 

Innovation in DSO communication: 7 must-reads to guide you in

DSO growth isn't slowing down. What you need to know about the future of dentistry — here.
  1. ADA warns dentists of fraud attempts involving Corporate Transparency Act
    The American Dental Association issued an alert about fraud attempts involving the Corporate Transparency Act. 
  2. Avista Capital Partners acquires dental prosthetics company
    New York City-based Avista Capital Partners acquired Terrats Medical, a dental prosthetics company based in Barcelona, Spain.
  3. Dental offices create 2.4 million jobs: state-by-state breakdown
    Dental practices in the U.S. created more than 2.4 million jobs in 2022, according to data from the American Dental Association.
  4. US dental practices generate $478B annually
    Dental offices in the U.S. generated approximately $478 billion in annual economic impact in 2022, according to data from the American Dental Association.
  5. 16.9M people now disenrolled from Medicaid: 10 notes for dentists
    About 16.9 million people have been disenrolled from Medicaid as of Feb. 13, according to data from KFF.
  6. Employees have to be the 'final firewall' to cyberattacks
    Employee training, multifactor authentication and strong firewall software are three steps dental practices and DSOs can take to better protect themselves from cyber attacks and data breaches.
  7. Cyberattacks aren't just a health system problem, dental leaders say
    Phishing schemes, ransomware attacks and generative AI are three cyber and data security threats that dental practices and companies have to deal with in 2024. 
  8. MB2 Dental partners with real estate management firm
    Dallas-based MB2 Dental teamed up with Global Corporate Real Estate & Facilities, a real estate management firm.
  9. Virginia dental office temporarily closes after fire
    Madison (Va.) Family Dentistry is closed temporarily after a fire damaged the office, The MadRapp Recorder reported Feb. 15.

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