Connecticut passes bills to create oral health unit, streamline permit process

The Connecticut General Assembly sent two bills related to dentistry and oral health in the state to Gov. Ned Lamont for approval.

House Bill 5293 makes changes to Connecticut's Department of Developmental Services, including establishing an oral health and dental services unit within the department. The purpose of the unit is to support individuals with intellectual disabilities achieve and maintain their oral health. All permit provisionally licensed dentists can practice with the unit.

House Bill 5290 implements recommendations made by the Department of Public Health. The bill would streamline the process for dentists to receive a moderation sedation or general anesthesia permit for multiple locations who already have a permit for one location. 

In addition, HB5290 requires the Department of Public Health commissioner and the Connecticut Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons’ Anesthesia Committee to post a list of required equipment, personnel and emergency medications for dental facilities that administer moderate sedation, deep sedation or general anesthesia.

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