Here are six dental technology updates that Becker's has reported on since Jan. 25:
1. Luiz Dos Santos, DMD, of Las Vegas, performed more than 150 dental implants in 90 days using the Yomi robot.
2. Allen Robinson, DDS, an oral surgeon in Washington, D.C., is the first in the district to use the Yomi dental implant robot.
3. The University of Alabama at Birmingham's oral oncology clinic is among the first in the Southeast to use augmented reality in head and neck cancer surgery.
4. The partnership between Planet DDS, a dental software company, and Premier Care Dental Management reached the 10 year mark.
5. Researchers from Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi created an interactive toothbrush and remote-controlled toothpaste that could change consumers' oral hygiene.
6. Dental laser manufacturer Biolase denied the patent infringement claims from PIPStek, a subsidiary of dental technology company Sonendo.