ADA advocates for increased resources for Indian Health Service

The American Dental Association joined eight other organizations calling for increased funding and resources for the Indian Health Services. 

The Indian Health Service is an agency under the Department of Health and Human Services responsible for providing services to Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

AI/AN Health Partners is a coalition of organizations, including the ADA, dedicated to improving healthcare for Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

The coalition signed joint letters addressed to the House and Senate requesting several budget increases. The coalition noted that the budget increases are necessary because the Native American population is expected to increase by 1.8% in 2026. 

Among the coalition's requests is an $18 million budget increase for the Indian Health Professions account, which provides loan repayment for healthcare providers and scholarships for Native American healthcare students. 

The coalition also advocated for improved housing for IHS staff, updates to medical equipment and a modern electronic health record system.

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