Cost of dental insurance in the 10 best states for dental health

The average monthly premium for dental insurance is $42.17 in Illinois, the top-ranked state for dental health.

Personal finance website WalletHub recently ranked all 50 states and Washington, D.C., based on dental habits and care and oral health. 

Data on monthly insurance premiums is from LV Dental Braces, a four-location practice in Las Vegas. The practice compiled dental insurance data from CMS and then calculated average premiums in every state.

Here is the average monthly premium for dental insurance in the top-ranked states for dental health:

  1. Illinois: $42.17
  2. Wisconsin: $51.17
  3. Idaho: $38.92
  4. Minnesota: $33.08
  5. Michigan: $9.92
  6. Connecticut: $47.83 
  7. District of Columbia: $49.17 
  8. North Dakota: $37.25
  9. Massachusetts: $45
  10. Ohio: $28.08

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