Overjet to launch AI program for dental schools

Dental AI company Overjet is set to introduce Overjet for Educators, which will allow students to gain experience using dental AI technology utilized by dentists across the U.S.

Created by dentists and machine learning models, Overjet for Educators is powered by an FDA-approved AI technology that detects, outlines and quantifies oral diseases in X-rays, according to a June 18.

The program enables educators to show dental students the exact size and shape of pathologies such as tooth decay, anatomical structures such as enamel, and restorations such as crowns. It aims to help future dentists familiarize themselves with dental AI so they have experience using the technology once they begin practicing.

Western University College of Dental Medicine and the University of Florida College of Dentistry are among the dental schools that participated in the pilot program for Overjet for Educators. Students who trained using Overjet’s AI improved their ability to detect cavities in X-rays by more than 40%, according to an independent study from the University of Florida, the release said.

Overjet has also launched an AI-powered marketplace for dental insurers and an AI program for pediatric dentists in 2024.

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